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Nepeta cataria

Botanical Name Nepeta cataria
Common Name Catnip 
Parts Used Herb, Leaves
Historical  Enemas, Relaxation, Mild cold & Flu tonic
How to use capsules, tea, extract
Combinations Valerian, Lady Slipper

Yes, this is the same catnip which is given to cat's to make them crazy, but catnip has many more benefits.  When catnip is brewed and drank as a tea, it is an effective herbal remedy for colds and fevers.  Catnip can ease a stomach ache and help with insomnia. Catnip is a member of the mint family.  

Safety / Caution
Do not use if pregnant

References -
Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James Balch, M.D. and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C.
The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies by Louise Tenney M.H.
The New Age Herbalist by Richard Mabey